Community News
Redevelopment Commission Meeting Postponed
The RDC meeting scheduled for December 1 has been rescheduled for December 12 at 2:00 pm.
Leaf Pickup Schedule 2022
Leaf Pickup Schedule_2022
Notice of Public Hearing
Proposed Budget 2023 Public Hearing Notice of Public Hearing
Budget Workshop/Meeting
Public Notice
High Street update from INDOT
Traffic will be switched to the Phase 5 closure pattern later today. There will still be some residual ongoing work within Phase 4 with flaggers.
Demolition project
The building located at 1 & 3 E. Main Street will begin the demolition process on August 8th. There will be a period of time when the center of town will be closed to all pedestrians and vehicles. This project may take up to 5 weeks to complete.