About the Fire Department
The first record of an organized fire service in Mooresville was in 1877. In February of that year the Mooresville Board of Trustees adopted an ordinance authorizing the appointment of a Fire Warden. His duties included performing fire inspections and supervising extinguishment at all fires within the town. In 1905 water mains and fireplugs were installed throughout town. The Town of Mooresville purchased three hand pulled hose carts and a group of men were chosen for the Fire Department. These hose carts were equipped with hose which could be connected to the fire plugs to extinguish fires in town. The Mooresville Fire Department still has one of these original hose carts.
In the early 1920’s the town purchased their first motorized fire engine. It was a Dodge truck with a special built fire truck body. It was equipped with hose, nozzles and other firefighting equipment. This truck is currently stored in a garage at our headquarters. It is in rough shape, but we would like to restore it, but funding for this project is hard to acquire.
The Mooresville Fire Department continued throughout the years with volunteer firefighters. The town purchased two other pumper trucks during the 1950’s, both of which have been replaced over the years by new apparatus. Pumpers were purchased in 1985, 1993, 2008 and 2 new apparatus are currently on order and will be delivered in the spring of 2019. All of these apparatus remain in service with the department, but the 1985 will be sold once we receive the new apparatus.
A used aerial truck was purchased in the early 1980’s, but was sold in 1991 due to its unsafe condition. A new 100′ aerial platform was purchased in 1994 to replace the unit which had already been retired. One of the new apparatus will be a 100’ ladder truck that will take the place of this unit as the primary ladder truck.
The Town of Mooresville hired the first career firefighter in the mid-1970’s. They then added two more career firefighters in 1985 and has added six more since then to bring the total to nine. These include the Fire Chief, Inspector, 3 Shift Captains, and three firefighters. These career personnel are supported by paid, part-time personnel which work scheduled shifts at the firehouse. All personnel are Indiana State Certified Firefighters and are certified by the Indiana E.M.S. Commission as Emergency Medical Technicians or paramedics. All E.M.T’s. are trained in the latest skills available to EMT’s in Indiana.
In addition to fire and Ems, personnel are trained for hazardous materials incidents, vehicle rescues/extrication and ice rescue. We complete annual updates in these areas every year. Some of our personnel are trained in rope rescue, confined space, water rescue or other technical fire and rescue operations. We also have personnel who are qualified as Fire Investigators, Fire Instructors, CPR Instructors and Public Education Instructors. Personnel train every shift to remain proficient in their skills and abilities.
Personnel perform many duties in addition to responding to fire and E.M.S. calls. Personnel visit and complete preplans of local businesses to become familiar with the structures we protect. They also provide public education programs to the local schools on a regular basis and to other groups upon request. All personnel take part in station and vehicle maintenance, testing of equipment, regularly scheduled training and other activities.
The Mooresville Fire Department has 6 personnel on duty 24 hours a day when we are fully staffed. Administrative personnel work Monday thru Friday, 8 hours a day. The department currently operates the following equipment for Fire and EMS responses:
- 2019 E-one Typhoon Pumper, 780 water/1500 GPM Pump
- 2019 EONE Cyclone II Metro 100’ Quint 1500 pump / 300 water
- 2008 Pierce Contender 1500 GPM Pumper
- 1993 Pierce/Dash 1250 G.P.M. Pumper
- 1994 Pierce 100′ Quint w/1500 G.P.M. pump (Aerial Platform)
- 1985 Pierce/Dash 1000 G.P.M. Pumper (Training Pumper)
Support and Staff Vehicles include:
- 2004 EVI/Freightliner Rescue ( Currently Used as a Support Unit)
- (3) 2014 Ford Explorer Administrative/Command Vehicles
- 1993 Chevrolet 2500 4×4 Pick Up Truck (Support Unit)
- 8×12 enclosed utility trailer (Special Events)
- Golf Cart (Special Events Emergency Response)

In addition to fire department responses, we provide 1st response Emergency Medical Care on all E.M.S. calls within the corporate limits of Mooresville. Transporting ambulance service is provided by an outside ambulance service. All on-duty personnel and apparatus are housed in and respond from the firehouse located at 415 S.R. 144 in Mooresville.
The Mooresville Fire Department currently holds a class 4 rating from the Insurance Services Office (I.S.O.). This rating helps many insurance companies establish the rates for fire insurance on many residences and commercial/business structures throughout our response area.
If you have any questions about the Mooresville Fire Department stop by and visit with us or call 831-5354 or email us at mdalton@mooresville.in.gov
Contact Us

Matt Dalton
Fire Chief
(317) 831-5354
26 S Indiana St.
Mooresville, IN 46158
Phone: (317) 831-5354
Fax: (317) 831-9542
Station 1
415 E State Road 144
Mooresville, IN 46158
(317) 834-4386